Feel like a person,
not a patient
Happy Bob transforms diabetes data into engaging experiences that improve time in range and ease the mental burden.
Our experienced Diabetes Educators monitor your patients while your practice receives full revenue benefits.
Watch a Happy Bob intro video here
Fun interaction with real-time diabetes data
Look forward to your CGM readings and collect stars when you’re in range. Follow your progress as you earn stars to reach your daily target.
Receive notifications
to keep glucose stable
Get glucose values and trends on your phone and Apple Watch to know if you are heading in the right direction.
Community connection and support
Diabuddies are an essential part of glucose management. Create a group for you and your friends to encourage each other.
Our mission
We want to help people with diabetes to succeed in daily diabetes care by providing engaging and rewarding experiences for managing own health. We do this by combining gamification and real-time, personal health data available through sensors and wearables, creating a rewarding loop that turns diabetes management into opportunities of fun moments and better health.